


你准备好把洗碗提升到一个新的水平了吗? If you love your flatware to sparkle and your glasses to gleam, we have good news for you. It just takes a few hours for a water expert to come to your home and transform your dishwashing experience.

硬水使洗碗难以忍受. No matter how hard you work to eliminate the pesky white residue on your dishes, 它似乎永远不会消失. The problem is that the water you are trying to wash your dishes with is making the situation worse. 最重要的是, 硬水中的矿物质以一种不同寻常的方式与肥皂相互作用, 降低效率.

If you are ready to upgrade the water in your home, it’s time to think about a 住宅用水软化剂. Your water will run through a sophisticated system that trades the pesky minerals in your water for sodium ions, 让你的水柔软得令人愉悦. The water coming out of your tap will stop leaving spots behind and allow your soap to cut through grease and grime throughout your home.


A 软水器 will benefit your entire home, not just your kitchen sink. 即使你最沮丧的是你的菜, there are endless reasons you will love having a 软水器 installed in your home. 这很容易 硬水试验 如果你认为是它导致了你的问题, but the following are telltale signs that your dishes are suffering as a result of a hard water problem.

  • 盘子上有白点. 硬水中的矿物质在水变干后会以白色薄膜的形式出现. 当盘子被滴干时,水渍特别明显, 但即使你用毛巾擦干净, 你可能还会在盘子上留下底片.
  • 浑浊或晦暗的盘子. 使用硬水的洗碗机久而久之会腐蚀盘子. Hard water minerals can become abrasive and cause permanent damage to your dishes. You’ve likely seen drinking glasses that look cloudy no matter how often you try to clean them. This is because the minerals in the water are actually causing micro scratches to the surface and causing irreversible damage to your glassware. 它会使你的瓷器看起来暗淡无光,你的餐具失去光泽.
  • 低效的洗碗机. If your dishwasher doesn’t work like it used to, you can probably blame your hard water. 这个问题是双重的.第一个, 水垢会积聚在水管里, 使水更难通过并发挥作用. The reduced capacity in your water lines means your dishwasher needs to work harder to keep up. 在某一点上,它将无法产生足够的结果.其次,你的肥皂不起作用. Your dishes look lackluster because you need more soap to do the same amount of work. 因为你可能不会把多个洗碗机标签扔进去, 你的盘子可能没有洗干净.
  • 缺乏泡沫. When you hand wash dishes in hard water, you will notice your soap doesn’t suds like it should. Your soap is so busy fighting against the magnesium and calcium in your water that it isn’t able to do what it is supposed to. 硬水意味着你要用很多肥皂, 否则你的盘子就不会那么干净了.


There are multiple ways that you can approach your problem with hard water. 正确的解决方案取决于情况的严重程度, 你的预算, 以及你对永久解决办法的渴望.

  • 醋. 最简单、最方便的选择就是用醋. The acidity in vinegar is highly effective at cutting through limescale build-up. You can also use it as a preventative measure to stop it before it builds up. You can soak your dishes in hot water with a splash of vinegar before you wash them or just pour some into the bottom of your dishwasher. This is very easy and will help counteract the minerals that damage your dishes.
  • 硬水产品. 市场上也有类似的产品. 你可以在任何杂货店或五金店找到它们. Adding them to your dishwasher can reduce the effects of the minerals on your dishes.
  • 软水器. The ultimate solution for hard water is installing a 软水器 system in your home. By fixing the problem at the source, you will see benefits far beyond your kitchen sink. 你家里所有的水都不含矿物质, 你可以享受菜肴,而不会留下令人沮丧的残留物.

对于那些在干净的环境中茁壮成长的人来说, 消除硬水的结果是令人难以置信的兴奋. Dishwashing can be fun when you know your dishes are actually getting clean. Eliminating the water spots that have plagued you provides the ultimate level of satisfaction. And, to top it off, you can preserve the china, flatware, and glassware that you love.


处理硬水会让洗碗变成一件苦差事. If you suspect hard water is the culprit, there are simple tests you can do to confirm. The following infographic outlines clear signs that your dishes are being affected by hard water.


